Why Pursue Homemaking?
This is a big question I still feel like I’m asking myself. But before I get into WHY, I need to give you some background.
I want to preface that this is me processing my journey to a place I feel I’m being called. Your calling may align with mine, or it may not! I’m not here to say one way is better than another. This is just me, giving myself space to process, while also hopefully providing someone else (who might be struggling as they feel a similar tug) a space to feel a sense of comradery. Nothing’s worse than feeling alone, especially when you’re uncertain of what lies ahead! So I pray that within these words I write today will be some sort of comfort to anyone out there who is feeling a little lost, a little scared, or a little overwhelmed about the nudge to pursue something like homemaking. Because let me assure you…that was (and to some extent, still is) me.
If you would have told me 10…5…even 3 years ago that I’d be writing this, I wouldn’t believe you. I once broke up with a guy because he told me his plan was for him to work and me to be a stay at home wife/mom for him. You should have seen the look on my face…
Let me interject to say—there was definitely a better way for him to approach a conversation like that and telling me his plans for my life wasn’t one of them. A much better approach would be to ask one another what GOD’s plan for their lives are and discuss from there. Moving on…
Fast forward, I met, befriend, date, and marry my husband. The first year of our marriage I enrolled in college to pursue a degree in journalism. This whole time I’m working toward this degree so I can go out into the world as a photo journalist—travelling, writing intriguing stories and shooting captivating images. I remember a few times some random people I barely knew telling me I probably wouldn’t make it simply because I was already in a committed marriage. Heh? Okay. I brushed that off. Post graduation, I searched and searched for the right job. I applied and was rejected from SO many. And let me tell ya, it was not for lack of experience, knowledge, or skill. Hindsight…it was God working.
Anyway, I couldn’t find a job for YEARS after graduating. This whole time working as a barista (which I honestly enjoyed) with a 4 year Digital Media degree gathering dust. Eventually I hit a breaking point and wouldn’t you know it—God placed the perfect job right in my lap. A friend of the family. The job required me to use skills I had acquired with my degree. It wasn’t exactly what I wanted but it was something. In an office full of other women who also loved the Lord. And I ended up really enjoying my job!
Hang tight, I’m getting to the point…
I worked there for a little over 1 year, my husband and I married for 8 years at this point, when I became pregnant with our son! Almost immediately I was asked by friends, family, coworkers, if I would continue working after his arrival. My immediate response was—I’m not sure, but I can’t see myself not working? My son is now one and I am still working for this company! Part-time and from home, but the fact that God placed me in a space where I was able to flexibly adjust my schedule so I could still be at home with my little dude is a HUGE blessing. This would have never happened if any of those dream jobs said YES immediately after I graduated. Well, I shouldn’t say never, but it definitely would have looked a lot different.
As my son grew his way out of the newborn phase (way too quickly I might add), I was confronted (by myself this time) with a the biggest question I never thought I’d ask myself. Would I put him in daycare and go back to work full-time in-office like I had always thought I would?
INTURRUPTION—HEY MAMAS! Yeah, YOU! The one that IS pursuing her career, puts her babe in daycare or public school and ROCKS the mommin’ thing! I see you! I’m friends with you! This next little bit is about my own convictions and what God has placed on my heart. Those of you who are my friends, I know you know this—but I don’t think any less of you! In fact, I think you’re all amazing women who are doing incredible kingdom work and I’m SO PROUD to call you friend. You’re all fantastic mothers that I admire and learn from every day! So anyone reading this that is a working mama with their kiddos in daycare or public school—don’t take the following personally. This is just my journey. And I think you rock. ;)
The more I pondered this, prayed about it, discussed it with my husband, the more I knew the answer deep down. You know when you think to yourself…”Oh, I’ll never do that.”
“I’ll never be a stay at home mom, I’d be so bored!”
“I’ll never homeschool my kids, they need to go to school, I couldn’t handle that.”
“I could never____.”
And then, God says…”Haha, you know when you said you’d never ____? I’ve got something to tell ya…”
Sheesh, is it just me or does it always seem to happen that way?!
I’ve realized in my 30 years on this Earth, usually when there’s something you actually don’t want to do or it’s really really really hard…He’s probably gonna ask you to do it. Why? Because then you gotta lean on Him. You’re already convinced you can’t do it. (You can btw, because He’s got your back.)
So…here I am. A mom of one toddler, working part time while pursuing what it means for me to become a homemaker. After talking with God and discussing it with my husband, it seems like the path I’m being called to after all these years. The more I prayed the more the gentle tug felt like a loving push. I was upset about it at first. I’m still processing it. I know it’s not going to be easy and I will have moments I question things. But I have never felt more at peace making this decision. Knowing that my Father in Heaven is there with me through all of the difficulties and uncertainties.
I’m not just going to be at home, bored, doing nothing. I will be raising my kiddo. Making homemade nutritious food for my family. Homeschooling when the time comes. I get to organize my home, make it cozy, comforting and inviting for my family and others. I get to spend all day every day with my son teaching and showing him the love of Jesus and I couldn’t be more excited about this calling. Nervous? Yes. Lacking skill and knowledge in some areas? Yes. Unsure how I will do it all? Definitely. But He always provides and I am able and willing to learn.
This is the main purpose of my blog. I literally know NOTHING about homemaking! I never really enjoyed cooking. I never liked organizing or cleaning. I never ever wanted to homeschool my kids. None of these things ever interested me until last year when suddenly, my heart changed and I was interested in all of it. And that’s what Jesus does, doesn’t He? Shapes our hearts, shows us who He created us to be and walks the path with us as we grow with Him. So—this blog…this homemaking part is a learning journey. And if you’re interested in learning along with me, I’d be so happy to have ya here. We’re all in this together! (I’m so sorry if that triggered a High School Musical tune in your brain…my bad.) ANYWAY—
Thank you for reading this much as I process where I’m at with my decision to pursue what it means to be a Biblical Homemaker! Learning new skills that will serve my family and honor God! I pray anything in this giant rant spoke to you or encouraged you in any way. Be encouraged, those of you who are convinced you can’t do it for one reason or another…I believe in you. God is with you! And with Him, anything is possible. If you’re being called to this too, just take a little step of faith into the unknown and see what He can do! I’ll take that step with you.
We plant ourselves in Jesus by resting, trusting and believing in who He is.